Acid Base Balance and How it is Linked to our Health and Wellness
We should consider our bodies as living laboratories with complex interlinked biological systems. The food we eat and drink and the oxygen we breathe are used in our cells as fuel. They go through various chemical reactions producing energy and nutrients to help our bodies function properly.
The pH environment of our bodies is central to ensuring that all processes and organs are functioning well. Any imbalance in the pH can derail an organ's optimum functioning, putting the organ's health at risk. A pH imbalance is generally one of the first physical signs that your health is at risk. Long-term imbalances in the pH often manifest as a disease that requires clinical interventions. Our health goal should always be to prevent disease and causes that may lead to health risks. In this regard pH of body fluids is an excellent (and often underutilized diagnostic) biomarker to keep track of general health and wellness.
When one is acidic, it will steal essential minerals from the body to neutralize the acid. An acidic body environment can cause fluid retention, often along with weight gain, and produces increased mucus. Many chronic diseases thrive in an acidic environment. Also, a low pH leads to gas and bloating due to inadequate protein digestion.
Maintaining Acid Base Balance is Important
As pH balance is the value given to indicate the acidity or alkalinity, it is merely a way of measuring our condition. The acid residues can be acid, neutral, or alkaline. pH value can have a profound effect on health and disease. Imbalances in the pH value mean that our body has become too acidic or alkaline. It can be a severe problem if our body becomes too acidic or too alkaline for extended periods; then it cannot be tolerated well by the body. There are effective ways to measure the pH balance. For example, Vaginox is an at home test kit to measure the vaginal pH level. It can also help determine and monitor the vaginal pH balance to find bacterial, parasitical or yeast infections. With Urinox-10 urinalysis test or a pH Test, you can easily determine the pH level of your urine, which serves as a good indicator of your body's acid base balance, especially related to your diet choices and the health of your metabolic system.

Our body goes on regulatory mechanisms of breathing, circulation and digestion, and hormonal production. Therefore, it is important to balance our pH levels to know about the certain changes that may occur in our bodies. If the pH deviates too far towards the acidic or alkaline side, the cells can become poisoned by their toxins and die. The pH imbalance can interfere with our potential for proper health and wellness. The body should always remain slightly alkaline to avoid disease and premature aging.