How Long Does THC Stay in your System?

While the immediate effects of THC can go away quickly, the detection of the drug within your body is possible for many weeks. It can take between a few hours to over 3 months for the ingredients and breakdown items of THC to go away from your system, and it is also dependent on how much the drug has been used [1]. While many states in the United States have permitted the use of recreational marijuana, it is still important to note that marijuana is an addictive substance.It can take between a few hours to over 3 months for the ingredients and breakdown items of THC to go away
How Long Do the Effects Last?
How long it takes for the effects of THC to wear out varies from individual to individual. While some individuals may get feelings of relaxation and euphoria, others can feel paranoid and anxious. In some cases, individuals can even experience losing interest in certain activities, or be unable to understand concepts. THC refers to a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol and is also known as delta-9-THC. This chemical enters your body and the bloodstream instantly after marijuana has been smoked.
THC refers to a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol and is also known as delta-9-THC.
However, if marijuana has not been smoked and has been taken in another form such as ingestion, it may take as long as an hour for the effects of THC to show [2]. However, there are many factors that affect this such as the amount of marijuana consumed, metabolism rate, age, body mass and drug tolerance of the individual. While there are many different effects of THC, some of the most common ones include:
- Mouth dryness
- Redness in eyes
- Swelling in eyelids
- Euphoric sensations in body
- Increase in appetite
- Relaxed behavior
- Distortion in senses of touch, time, sound and sight
- Coordination loss
- Slow cognition
- Heart rate increase [3]
It is important to note that all of these symptoms may not be felt by everyone, and how long these effects last can also vary from person to person based on a number of physiological factors. Due to a loss in coordination and slow cognition, marijuana consumption can also impair the driving ability of people for 2 to 4 hours [4].
How Long Can THC be detected?
After the use of THC, the drug is broken down into small particles that are known as metabolites, and as many as 80 various metabolites can form from the drug use which can have different effects on the body. The metabolites normally stay in the body fat and are reduced over time through urine and feces. While some metabolites can be reduced from the body within 24 hours, others can stay in the body fat for up to 2 weeks. It can take 5 to 6 of these periods for the metabolites to be completely finished from the body. While THC can only be detected in the blood and saliva for a few hours after consumption, it can be detected in urine for a much longer time. A single-use case of THC can be detected for up to 14 days, regular use of THC can be detected for up to 7 weeks, and heavy usage can be detected for up to 3 months [5].
Smart Chek THC is a highly accurate and sensitive test that detects the presence of Marijuana in the urine. It is FDA approved and CLIA waived for home use.
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[1] Iversen, L.L., 2001. The science of marijuana. Oxford University Press.
[2] Ashton, C.H., 2001. "Pharmacology and effects of cannabis: a brief review," The British Journal of Psychiatry, 178(2), pp.101-106.
[3] Rasmussen, S., 2000. Addiction treatment: Theory and practice. Sage.
[4] Smiley, A., 1999. "Marijuana: on road and driving simulator studies," The health effects of cannabis, pp.173-191.
[5] Huestis, M.A., 2007. Human cannabinoid pharmacokinetics. Chemistry & biodiversity, 4(8), pp.1770-1804.
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