How To Reduce Ketones in Urine During Pregnancy

Ketones may be harmful to your baby. The American Diabetic Association (ADA) recommends efforts to maintain a normal range of ketones in urine during pregnancy [4]. You should consume a diet with adequate calories for appropriate weight gain during pregnancy. Such a diet should contain [5]:
- Carbohydrates 175 grams
- Protein 71 grams
- Fiber 28 grams
Other measures to avoid ketosis and ketones in urine during pregnancy:
- Meals should not be spaced very far apart, and each meal should contain some carbohydrates.
- Avoid lifestyle choices such as low-carbohydrate/high-protein diet (such as the keto diet), prolonged fasting, strenuous exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption.
- If you have diabetes, your doctor will advise tight control.
What Should You Do?
If you find you have ketones in your urine during pregnancy, you should take a balanced approach. Very often, it isn't dangerous and can be reversed by changes in your diet and lifestyle.
However, diabetes is a possibility when ketonuria is found. This metabolic disorder affects several organ systems and is especially severe during pregnancy. You should consult your doctor as soon as possible.
Keeping Yourself Safe From Ketosis During Pregnancy

Urine test strips are valuable during pregnancy. They help you monitor your health and detect important metabolic diseases early. Ketonox is Diagnox Health's brand of urine dipsticks to detect ketones in your urine. You can use them at home to measure the presence and concentration of urinary ketones. You can read more details about Ketonox here.
You can find other informative resources on keto diet and women's health in the following links:
Articles on Ketogenic Diet
Articles on Women's Health