What Is the Normal Range for Microalbumin in Urine?
People with normal kidney function excrete less than 30 mg of albumin per gram of creatinine in urine every 24 hours [1].
Microalbuminuria occurs when the body excretes more than 100 mg of albumin every 12 hours or 300 mg in 24 hours [1]. People who exceed this range have albuminuria, which indicates a higher level of kidney damage [6].
Your doctor will use a microalbumin creatinine ratio calculator to assess your kidney function.
Microalbuminuria vs Proteinuria
Some people use these terms interchangeably, but proteinuria broadly refers to excessive levels of any protein in urine [7]. By contrast, microalbuminuria refers specifically to albumin in urine [7].

Empower Yourself With Urinox Urine Test Strips
Diagnox offers various configurations of at-home and professional urine test strips, including urine protein test strips and multiparameter urine dipstick tests. These convenient tests enable you to monitor your urine at home for an affordable price. It is essential to know that standard urine protein test strips don’t detect microalbumin specifically, but they check general protein concentrations in urine at a broader range from 15 mg/dL (trace) to 2,000 mg/dL. A multiparameter urinalysis strip can check up to ten urine parameters, such as glucose, ketones, urobilinogen, and pH, among others. These tests can provide critical insights into your health.
You can learn more about multiparameter strips in this article. If you would like to learn more about how at-home urine protein tests can benefit you, please read this article.
Take control of your health today with Urinox-10 test strips.