Recognizing Real Vaginal Conditions
Blue waffle disease is fake, but women can develop many real vaginal conditions. Some of these disorders will resolve on their own, but others require medical treatment. Here are three of the most common vaginal conditions.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when the natural bacteria levels in the vagina get thrown out of balance. Experts don’t fully understand why some women develop BV, but this condition may be linked to douching or sexual activity.
Symptoms of BV include:
- Watery gray or white vaginal discharge
- Itching inside or around the vagina
- A fish-like odor
- Pain during urination
BV can sometimes go away without treatment, but a doctor can prescribe antibiotics to treat it quickly. Learn about treatment options for BV in this article.
Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a protozoan parasite. Only 30% of infected people have symptoms.
Signs of trichomoniasis in women include:
- Inflamed or itchy genitals
- Painful urination
- Green, white, or yellow discharge
A doctor can prescribe oral antibiotics to treat trichomoniasis.
Yeast Infections
A yeast infection is caused by excessive growth of the fungus Candida in the vagina. This common condition affects around 75% of women during their lifetime.
Symptoms include:
- Burning and inflammation of the vulva
- Painful urination
- Discomfort during sex
- Thick, odorless white vaginal discharge
You can treat a vaginal yeast infection with over-the-counter products like creams and suppositories. However, a doctor can provide a definitive diagnosis to ensure you don’t have another disorder, like an STI.
Protect Your Health With Vaginal pH Balance Tests
Blue waffle disease is a myth, but monitoring your vaginal health closely for real conditions is still essential.
Clinical evidence shows that almost half of the women make a wrong self-diagnosis for vaginal infections. Learn to differentiate between common infections in this article and consider using a vaginal pH test to make the right diagnosis.
Vaginal pH test strips allow you to detect common vaginal infections from the comfort of your home. Click here to learn more about how the Vaginox pH balance test can help you safeguard your health.