The ketogenic diet — a high-fat, low-carb diet — has become increasingly popular in recent years for its various benefits. One of the main goals of this diet is to enter into a state of ketosis, which is when your body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates and releases ketones. But how long does it take to get into ketosis? In this blog, we'll answer this question, discuss the factors that influence how long it takes to get into ketosis, and provide tips for getting there as quickly as possible.
How Long Does It Take To Go Into Ketosis?
Although it is possible to enter into a mild-to-moderate state of ketosis without a specific protocol, you can achieve a more intense form of ketosis through the use of a ketogenic diet. Ketosis has many benefits for your health. So how many days does it take to get in ketosis?
It's important to note that many variables can affect how long it takes to get into ketosis, including:
Activity level
Carb intake
However, there are a few simple steps you can take for a keto boost that speeds up the process. In some cases, you can even enter into ketosis within 24 hours.
How To Get Into Ketosis in 24 Hours
You can shorten the length of time it takes to get into ketosis in several ways: diet changes, intermittent fasting protocol such as speed keto, and intense exercise.
Diet Changes
You can make several diet changes to reach ketosis in 24 hours, including:
Increasing your fat intake
Cutting out added sugars and processed snacks
Eating moderate amounts of protein
Consuming an abundance of non-starchy vegetables
Taking supplements such as exogenous ketones [2]
Dietary changes such as cutting down on added sugars and increasing the fat intake can help you get into ketosis fast.
Intermittent fasting
Combining these ways of eating along with intermittent fasting — a fasting schedule of a few hours (8 to 36 hours) followed by a short period of eating — is another way to effectively speed up ketosis. You can try several fasting regimens, such as 16:8 and 20:4 fasts. A 16:8 fast means you abstain from food for 16 hours and eat in an 8-hour window. Other common fasting regimens include an alternate-day fast, a 24-hour fast, and a 36-hour fast.
Speed Keto
One meal a day, or OMAD, is a popular intermittent fasting protocol. When combined with a high-fat keto diet, OMAD protocol can get you in the fat-burning state usually within 24 hours. This technique is also referred to as speed keto. However, remember to keep your body nourished with hydration, electrolytes, and vitamins during the fast. Also, avoid big meals during the non-fasting time to reap maximum benefits.
As with any fasting and diet regimen, it's always a good idea to follow guidelines from a nutritionist or a professional dietician to avoid unanticipated health risks. Also, people with conditions like Type 1 diabetes should seek medical advice before making dietary and lifestyle changes.
Intense Exercise
According to a study conducted by Brigham Young University, exercising intensely at the start of a fast accelerates ketone production. The study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise concluded that participants could get into ketosis 3.5 hours earlier when the fast was started with an exercise. Not only did exercise improve the metabolic outcomes of fasting, but it also did so without any additional subjective feelings of hunger, thirst, discomfort, or low mood, which are common side effects of a keto diet.
Exercising at the start of the fast can help to get into ketosis quickly.
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So how long does it take to reach ketosis? Ultimately, it depends on your approach and how your body responds to dietary and lifestyle changes.
Monitor Your Ketones With Urinalysis Strips
It's essential to monitor your body's ketone levels while on a keto diet. You can check if you are in ketosis with blood, urine, or a breath test. The ideal range is 0.5 to 3.0 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) of ketones in urine or blood.
Ketonox Urine Ketone Test Strips by Diagnox. You can check if you are in ketosis using urine test strips, which measure the ketone levels in your urine.
Urine ketone test strips are an excellent non-invasive way to check your body's ketone levels, especially if you are uncomfortable with the painful finger pricks of a blood test. They are also relatively inexpensive than blood and breath tests that require specialized electronic meters. The Ketonox urine ketone test strips are easy-to-use clinical-grade test strips to check urine ketone levels. These at-home strips produce a color that indicates your urine ketone levels, allowing you to keep up with your keto diet while maintaining an optimal nutritional ketosis range.
Alexis Williams is a Georgia-based freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She uses that thirst combined with her experience in various fields to write about subjects valuable to individuals and businesses. Alexis has a robust catalog of experience that includes SEO content, blogging, product reviews/comparisons, research papers, and more.
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