Frequently Asked Questions About Our Tests

How to treat dehydration in cats at home?

To treat dehydration in cats at home, start by ensuring they have constant access to fresh, clean water. Encouraging your cat to drink can help, but if they are reluctant, you might need to use a water fountain or add water or low-sodium broth to their food to increase their fluid intake.

For mild dehydration, offering small amounts of water frequently can be effective. You can also provide wet cat food, which contains more moisture than dry food, to help increase their hydration levels.

If you suspect your cat is severely dehydrated, it’s important to monitor their hydration status carefully. The Petnox-10 urine test strips can help you assess your cat’s hydration levels by measuring specific parameters in their urine. Follow the instructions on the test strips to collect a urine sample and check for signs of dehydration, such as concentrated urine.

For persistent or severe dehydration, or if your cat shows symptoms like lethargy, sunken eyes, or dry gums, consult with a veterinarian immediately. In some cases, your cat may need medical treatment, such as intravenous fluids, to address dehydration effectively.

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